Welcome back!

On Thursday we will welcome all of our students back to school. To do so safely we have put a plan and procedures in place. These are available to read in the post below. To ensure we can open safely and that we remain open we ask all of our parents, students, staff and wider community to stick to the procedures in places.

Before returning to school please ensure:

  • That you know your child’s drop off and collection time and gate in which they will enter and exit.
  • 1st & 1st/2nd: Drop off: 8:40 am, Collect: 2:20 pm 3rd to 6th Drop off 8:50 am, Collect 2:30 pm S.I. Drop off: 9 am, Collect: 1:30 pm
  • This will be a drop and collect system at the school gates. Only children and staff will be allowed into the school yard
  • You speak to your child about coughing/sneezing into their elbow, teach them how to wash their hands correctly and show them how to apply hand sanitsier.
  • Your child’s uniform is washed regularly.
  • Your child has a hand towel in their bag each day for drying their hands.
  • Your child understands that their will be no sharing of colours, pencils, pens, lunches and/ or drinks in school.
  • If you need to speak to a teacher, the Principal, a SNA or Colette that you make an appointment before coming to the school. You can phone us on 01 8733061 or email secretary@georgeshillschool.ie to arrange an appointment.